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Refresh your skin with a chemical peel

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Refresh your skin with a chemical peel

Chemical peel before and after

Are you looking for an effective and safe skin treatment in Pineville, NC, that can instantly rejuvenate your appearance? A chemical peel treatment might be all you need. But what is a chemical peel, what does it do, and is it good for you? The answers to these questions and more are only a few lines away.

What is a chemical peel?

Chemical peel treatment is also known as derma peeling or chemexfoliation. It is a cosmetic or skin-resurfacing procedure that removes the outer layer of skin to reveal the clean and smooth skin underneath. A skin exfoliating solution is applied to the skin in a controlled way. Within the next 1 to 14 days, the skin peels off to reveal the new skin that is often smoother, has less damage, and appears less wrinkled.

Types of chemical peels

Depending on your skin type and conditions, one of the following types of chemical peels would be suitable for you:

Light chemical peel

Light chemical peels, also known as superficial peels, will exfoliate your skin lightly by removing its topmost layer (epidermis). It uses a mild chemical peeling agent so getting this treatment every 2 to 5 weeks is usually safe. A superficial peel is usually used for treating:

  • Dry skin
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Acne
  • Fine wrinkles

Medium chemical peel

A medium peel removes your epidermis and the upper part of your middle skin layer (dermis). It is slightly stronger than a superficial peel and is used to remove:

  • Uneven skin tone
  • Acne scars
  • Wrinkles

You may require several treatments to maintain or achieve your desired result.

Deep chemical peel

A deep peel removes the epidermis and the middle layer of the dermis. It involves the use of strong chemicals. So, your doctor may give you a local anesthetic to prevent pain and discomfort before and after the procedure. A deep peel is most suitable for removing:

  • Precancerous skin patches or growths
  • Deeper scars
  • Deeper wrinkles

The effect of this treatment can last up to 10 years. So, you won’t have to repeat the procedure to enjoy its maximum effect.

Based on your skin conditions, skin type, and your desired result, your doctor can customize a chemical peel treatment for you. However, you should consult with your doctor, who will examine you and your medical history to determine the right treatment option for you.  

What does a chemical peel do?

Chemical peels come with different ingredients. So, each skin condition may respond differently to the treatment. For instance, some conditions respond best to stronger peels like trichloroacetic acid or glycolic acid, while others require gentler peels like alpha hydroxy acid or salicylic acid. However, they all provide skin rejuvenating benefits by removing damaged skin cells to reveal healthier skin underneath.

Are chemical peels safe?

Chemical peels are exceptionally safe when conducted by a trained skin care specialist, licensed healthcare provider, plastic surgeon, or board-certified dermatologist.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, scarring, blistering, swelling, and infections are possible side effects of a chemical peel. However, these effects are very rare and can be easily managed.

Who is a good candidate for a chemical peel?

If you’ve tried several toners, moisturizers, creams, and sunscreen treatments, but your skin conditions wouldn’t budge, then chemical peels may be your best way to go. However, this skin treatment option is unsuitable for more severe wrinkles, sagging skin, and bulges. It’s also unsuitable for pregnant patients or people who have suffered from herpes (cold sores) in the past as it can reactivate the infection.

Generally, light-haired and fair-skinned patients are the best candidates for a chemical peel. Chemical peels can make the treated skin to be lighter than normal (hypopigmentation) or darker than normal (hyperpigmentation). These issues can sometimes be permanent and are more common in patients with dark or brown skin. Depending on the issue being treated, dark-skinned patients may have good results but may also have uneven skin tone after the treatment.

How long does a chemical peel take?

Depending on your condition and procedure, a chemical peel treatment can last anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes. Generally, peeling will start within 2 to 3 days after the treatment and can last up to 5 days. However, while light chemical peels don’t require much downtime, deep and medium peels take about 2 or 3 weeks to heal.

Benefits of a chemical peel

Chemexfoliation can improve many skin conditions. Here are some of its benefits:

  • It’s an excellent treatment option for removing acne, acne scars, and scars caused by wounds or injuries.
  • Chemical peels can treat and relieve the symptoms of rosacea.
  • It minimizes pores and removes discolorations caused by hyperpigmentation, melisma, or excessive sun exposure.
  • Chemexfoliation erases wrinkles, fine lines, roughness, dryness, age spots, and other signs of aging.
  • It smoothens the skin, balances the texture, and removes uneven skin tone, giving you more youthful skin.
  • It is non-invasive, unlike plastic surgery and some other cosmetic treatments.
  • It helps brighten a dull complexion and remove liver spots and precancerous growth to lower your risk of skin cancer.
  • It can maximize your skincare products’ potential.

The best affordable chemical peels in Pineville, NC

Looking for the best chemical peels in Pineville, NC, that provide you with outstanding skin rejuvenation with results beyond just the surface? Then Carolina Medical Associates is your go-to practice. We also offer other revolutionary aesthetic services to address your skin issues and make you more confident in your skin. Book an appointment today or call 704-542-2191 to find the right treatment for you.

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